The Introduction of My Life

(Image Information: personal photo of myself, July 2018)

Hi everyone, my name is Hoai-Quoc Pham. I am a senior studying Microbiology, Pre-Med here at the University of Oklahoma. Fun fact about me is that I love to dance hip-hop. It's been awhile since I did hip-hop in high school, but there were times that I participated in events at OU like Homecoming and it is truly a stress relief when college does kick your butt. I also love to cook and bake and it's funny how my family and friends become so impressed by that. I love to travel, play basketball, and just going out and trying different restaurants like Guy Fieri. My favorite foods are Italian, Thai, and sushi. Recently, I went on a vacation with my family to Cancun and their meals were amazing. The workers there were going nuts by giving away tequila shots on every corner. Last summer, I participated in a study abroad program called Italy 2.0 and I highly recommend it. We studied mostly over the southern coast of Italy like Sorrento, Catania, and even Capri. It was like a paradise vacation, but in Italy.

(Image Information: personal photo of our Homecoming dance crew, Oct. 2017)

(Image Information: personal photo of  Fiesta Americana Condesa, Cancun, March 2018)

(Image Information: personal photo of  Fiesta Americana Condesa, Cancun, March 2018)

(Image Information: personal photo from Italy 2.0 in Mount Etna, Catania, June 2017)

A little more about me is that I like to listen to pop, R & B, and throwback music. Best television shows from my childhood were hands-down Suite Life of Zach & Cody and That's So Raven. I also like to watch comedy, action, and thriller movies as well. Wow, this sound like I am writing all of these descriptions for an online dating app. Overall, I am applying for this cycle to attend medical school next fall. My dream career goal is to become a pediatrician.

I also had a daughter named, Carli. She passed away not too long ago and was only 13 years old, yet surprisingly she still acted like a-3-year old dog. She was truly my girl.

(Image Information: personal photo of Carli, Jan. 2018)

(Image Information: personal photo captures a moment of Carli's butt-face, May 2016)


  1. I can totally believe the paradise vacation in Italy, Hoai-Quoc -- and how amazing to climb Mount Etna: wow! Cancun also sounds like so much fun. The key thing is to make sure you give yourself a break somewhere sometime because school can definitely be intense! Music is such a good way to take a break. And maybe you will enjoy learning about the music of India. I am a huge fan of Indian music, so you'll see music videos throughout the class and in the announcements sometimes. There's a Hanuman rap in the reading overview for Week 2. :-)

    That dating app comparison is so funny and true! Some people have written Tinder-style stories for this class. And the beginning of the school year is full of introductions like this; they always do feel kind of weird, ha ha.

    And I am sad to hear about your Carli. Losing a pet is really hard. This summer, one of our cats, our boy-cat named Einstein, got very sick all of a sudden without warning, and our vet could not do anything to help. She said it was a virus (FIP: feline infectious peritonitis) that he had probably gotten from his mother at birth, and it was just waiting all his life (kind of like the way a person can have HIV but not get sick with AIDS, sometimes for a long time) and we never knew it because he was totally strong and healthy. It was so sad, and I still miss him like crazy every day. But in a sense I am glad about missing him because it makes the memories strong. I will never forget our Einstein, and I know you will never forget your cute girl Carli. Thank you for sharing the adorable pictures here: she was a cutie!

    1. Hi Laura,

      I'm sorry about your loss too. Yes, sometimes life doesn't make sense. Even though important people may leave in your life, it should never stop you for going on your day. I hope everything goes well and I want to wish you and your love ones the very best.

    2. Thank you for your good wishes. Life has a strong spirit too, of course, and so we carry on. As a doctor you will deal with this cycle all the time: the end of life but also the strong spirit of life that carries people forward!

  2. Hi Hoai,

    I enjoyed reading your introduction. I found it very cool that you like to dance. I also like your taste in early 2000s tv shows. Suite Life of Zach and Cody was my favorite back in the day. Also very cool that you are applying to medical school. Best of luck to you and have a great semester!

    -Andy McDowell

  3. Hi Hoai-Quoc! Carli is absolutely precious and it is wonderful that you have such great memories of her still being that playful puppy at thirteen. It is nice to see that you have a sense of humor, because I feel that is one of the best traits to have when writing stories. Serious is fun too but it makes it so much more interesting to read when the writer takes the time to add in a subtle joke or two. The Suite Life of Zach and Cody was my brother and my favorite TV show as kids because we are also twins - although I would get a little mad when he called me Cody. Hope your application goes well!

  4. Hello Hoai-Quoc! I'm impressed by all the travelling you have done. The place you stayed at in Mexico is breathtaking. That online dating comparison cracked me up. I was thinking the same thing. You have my regards about Carli. It is so hard to lose a pet, they are your family. I wish you the best of luck when you continue on to medical school.

  5. Hello Hoai-Quoc! It seems like you are a jack of all trades! You dance, play sports, and bake! It also seems like it is an exciting time in your life since you are applying to med schools this cycle! I am also applying this cycle and it can be very hectic! Especially with all the secondary application essays that have to be submitted. I wish you good luck!

  6. Hey Hoai, It really seems as though your interests are all over the board. which is great it adds dimensions to you as a person. I too love to travel, but have yet to go outside of the United States. Going to Italy seem like it would be an extraordinary trip. Best of luck to you on your path to becoming a pediatrician, I still vividly remember when I was younger and would go see mine for checkups and whenever I was sick.

  7. What's up Hoai? I'll tell you what, if this was a dating app I'd be swiping to the right. First off, Cancun is the place to be. One of the craziest and best nights of my life was in Cancun on New Year's Eve. Also, eep up the good work with pre-med. I hopped off that train a while ago, because it wasn't for me. But, I'm glad to to hear you're stilling working hard at it. Keep on keeping on ol' chum.

  8. Hey Hoai- Quoc!
    I really enjoyed your introduction, we have some of the same interests such as eating and trying new places. Comedies and action films are also great to sit back and enjoy. It’s definitely the trick to get through the stressful times of college when you can find something that with help get you through the week like you did with helping out with Homecoming. Have a great semester!

  9. Hi Hoai-Quoc! It was nice to meet a little part of you, (sort of) through this introduction! I am also a pre-med student, but I am only a junior. I think it is awesome that you were able to study abroad despite the awful workload that we have to accomplish before medical school. Good luck on your future endeavors along with medical school!

  10. Oh man you got me with your dog. I honestly thought you were being literal at first but I'm so sorry to hear about that. Dogs are like family members. I would know. Our family has a dog for each of us (4). I've never been to Italy but that sounds awesome! I bet it's really beautiful there. By your favorite childhood TV shows, it sounds like you were definitely a Disney channel kid. I was more of a Nickelodeon kid lol.

  11. Hi Hoai!
    I loved reading your introduction! It's awesome that you're so involved and got to travel to some places. I can't wait to travel and explore the world myself. Also, you're dog is so cute and I'm sorry about her passing. It's never easy to lose a pet. I hope you're having a great semester! Keep up the hard work and good luck on your future goals!

  12. Hi Hoai-Quoc,

    Your dog is so adorable, sorry for your loss! I like how you put your personal pictures, it makes it easier to connect to you. Cancun is one place that I want to visit very soon, it looks so beautiful. Hiphop is really fun to do as well as dance. I also think cooking is very impressive, many people cannot cook aka me. Being able to cook in college saves a lot of money.

  13. Hey Hoai,

    I like how you're very active as an individual. I love playing basketball as well and it's great to see a fellow classmate who does so too! I can also relate with you on your favorite foods! Thai food and sushi are such a great combination. I would suggest Thai Thai is you ever get the chance to go there! The Yakisoba is delicious.

  14. Hi Hoai!
    I’m sorry about your dog- she looks so precious in the photos. The other photos you added of Italy are gorgeous- I did OChem there two summers ago and it was the time of my life. I 10000% agree with you on the Zack and Cody- what a quality childhood show! Also, that tequila shot story is WILD and sounds like it was quite the vacation. Best of luck with your med school application, and with your Guy Fieri extracurricular endeavors!

  15. Hi Hoai! I like to dance hip-hip too. I’ve danced in the clubs several times. I agree with you. It really is a fun hobby and relieves stress. I like to cook too. Cooking can be a bit of work, but I think it’s always fun and rewarding. I love sushi and Thai food. They are so tasty. Italy 2.0 sounds interesting. I might try that next summer. It’s nice to meet you Hoai!

  16. Hi Hoai-Quoc! I loved reading your introduction. And I have to agree with you, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and That's So Raven were the best shows of our childhood. I think it's awesome that you want to be a pediatrician. That was what I always said I wanted to be when I was in high school, but I realized very quickly I was not about that life. So I commend you for that! I hope you get into the med school of your choice this cycle! Good luck for the rest of the semester!


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