Week 2 Story: Everyone Wins

Once upon a time, there was student, named Paper, who was attending his first middle school. As he took his first steps into the school building, he became stoked. He met wonderful teachers and staff along the way. However, he didn’t have any friends. His teachers told him to try to make friends or else he would be alone. The next few minutes later, he hopped onto a random groups conversation, but realized that it didn’t work out so well for him. He just didn’t know how to find the right friend groups.

As Paper was walking out of his last class for the day, he got pushed down in the hallway by the scissor jocks. The scissor jocks picked and teased on him because he looked different from them. Therefore, they started to draw on him and laughed. Suddenly, a boy, named Rock was watching far from a distance. He barged into the scene and stood in front of Paper. “If you’re going to pick on him, then pick on someone your own size. Like me!” said Rock with an angry face. The scissor jocks jumped from a shock and ran away as far as they could. Rock then turned around and lend a hand to Paper.

“Are you okay?” said Rock.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you for standing up for me though. I thought you were going to hurt me too,” said Paper.

“Are you kidding, you are the toughest man I know!” said Rock. “You could scare me! But I saw you needed my help.”

As Rock and Paper walked home from their first day of school together, they saw a girl who was being picked on by these rock high schoolers on the streets. Rock would save the girl but was too afraid because the rock high schoolers looked bigger than him. Therefore, Paper stepped in and rushed towards the rock high schoolers with a mean face and told them to knock-it-off. The rock high schoolers were becoming frightened. Especially, since they saw Paper with tattoos on himself, yet they didn’t know that those marks were drawn by the scissor jocks from school. So, the rock high schoolers ran as fast as they could.

“Are you alright?” said Paper as he picked the girl up.

“Oh yes, I am now,” said the girl with a smile.

“What’s your name?” said Paper.


Even though there are many different types of people in the world, they are all not so different after all. Paper realized that he shouldn’t judge or be scared by anyone from their appearance because it is all about the person from the inside. Moreover, Rock, Paper, and Scissor became best friends.

The end.

Rock, Paper, and Scissor, Link Text.

Author's Note:
I chose the Two Turtle Jatakas story because it provided a moral to its story. Therefore, it gave me an idea to write a whole new story with different settings and characters that could give life lessons to the readers.

Bibliography: Two Turtle Jatakas, by Jataka Anthology.


  1. Wow, Hoai, I loved reading your story. I was truly engaged the whole time. I literally laughed out loud when I came to the part that said the paper was covered in tattoos. It was also very clever how you made the fun game of rock, paper, scissors into a story of school cliques that everyone can relate to. I wonder, how could the rocks be afraid of the paper in the story? I know that is how the game is played but it might be interesting if you provided a side tale of why, specifically, the rocks were afraid of paper. What if you added another sentence or two at the end to talk about the strong new friendship between rock, paper, and the scissors? It is clear how rock and paper became friends, but I am a bit confused on which scissors joined their friend group. Overall, this was an excellent story. Great job Hoai!

  2. Hi Hoai-Quoc! I really like your story. It is so clever and unique. I remember playing rock paper scissors all the time when I was a kid. However, I never thought about the origin on the game. This story gives a good answer. The moral of the story is good and simple, just like the original Two Turtles. It is so sweet how the three are friends after helping each other.

  3. Hello Hoai! I also really enjoyed your story! It was very unique in that you were able to write a story from a game that everyone has played. I also like the moral behind the story. Everybody has their weaknesses, therefore, we must stand up for each other and be the strengths to others weaknesses. Have a great semester!

  4. Hey Hoai, I really enjoyed reading your story. Rock, paper, scissors is a game that a lot of us have played for who knows how long, yet I was never focused on how this game came about. It was really interesting that you were able to put it into a version of school cliques, something that we can relate to and understand.

  5. Hi Hoai!
    Your story was absolutely adorable! The combination of anxious new-school vibes and a colorful cast of side characters made for a detailed romp which left me curious for more. I especially loved the underlying layers and themes to the story: that you shouldn’t judge a person by their exterior and that there is power to be found in groups of different people. The way you incorporated these seemed so effortless, yet intrinsic to the meaning of the story. I wonder what this would look like if it was longer- what the motivations for the bullies are and what more of Scissor’s personality is like. What if a John Hughes-type feel emerged from this school setting? The picture you chose is perfection and perfectly shows the themes and cuteness of how you transformed a popular kids game into a thoughtful tale about the power of teamwork and togetherness. I also wonder what tomfoolery Rock, Paper, and Scissor will get up to now that they’re such great friends. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hi Hoai,

    Your story was great and different. I still play rock, paper, scissors from time to time. It was hands down the best game I have played. Your message behind your story was nice and meaningful. Not many stories that I have read really have these. I am glad I got to read more of your stories. Keep up the good work!

  7. Hey Hoai! I loved your take on this story as well! I think my favorite part was how you used the common game of Rock, Paper, Scissors and took that and put that as a nice twist into your remake of the jataka. It was very original, and I liked the idea of all three of them being friends. Great job!


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