
I am excited about having the opportunity to write things that come through my mind for this class. Blogs are always a fun way to express our feelings. Ever since I have studied Microbiology, Pre-Med, I never had the chance to write from my thoughts and feelings, including with typing up blog posts. There are a few extra credit options that I am excited about, including with the heart related growth mindsets. Sometimes, college can bring people down. Therefore, the heart related growth mindsets can always turn your frown upside down with possibilities and positivities.

"Kanye West's Job Interview with Meryl Streep" video at YouTube.


  1. Ha ha, I had not seen that video before, and now you have already figured out how to embed video in your blog posts. Yay! That's the whole idea with the blog: it is a place to record your ideas, take notes, and also just share fun stuff with other people. I am all about having fun and positivity, and you can save upbeat stuff here at your blog which can give you a boost later on when you need it. :-)


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