Storybook Favorites

The storybooks that I have chosen may have different similarities, but some of the details that they include may relate to my situations in life.

Elephants of Indian Epics

This storybook brought to my attention because it almost relates to my life as Buddhism. Stories can be told in many ways to teach and give lessons for the younger generations. Therefore, these stories can transition into morals that will help these children succeed later in their lives. This can also help them become stronger to face challenges from the outside of the world. Overall, the title did do a great job in describing what the storybook was about. This storybook was creative because it gives a story about the kids and their father telling them stories that would teach them about life lessons for their futures.

When Love Confesses

This storybook has brought to my attention because I am actually in this situation deciding if love is truly worth your time of your life. I met someone in college and I thought I have found the one. We have been together for over a year and a half and yet, something has occurred which led us to not being able to see each other this whole entire summer. My situation doesn't make sense because was she worried about studying abroad the whole summer and not being able to see me? Or does she actually want to throw everything away of what we had, even from talking about our future like we had a clue because I know that there are many more memories to be made. Overall, I couldn't tell my parents or my family about this situation because they wouldn't allow me to date, especially since she is white. I am proud that this girl in the storybook can tell her mother about anything. It is great that the mother can give her advises to be careful on who she chooses to be with in her life. Another part of the story that got me focused on was when the mother told her daughter that she was divorced because her and her husband may have different interests. However, I was worried about that for my situation as well. The girl that I was with told me that it may sound hard, but positives and negatives attract each other.

Adventures of the Brothers Fite

This storybook describes a true meaning of love. The brothers in the story have shown that no matter how difficult or challenging their life may be, separation was never their intention to begin with. If one brother of the family leaves, the rest will follow along. This is an example of a pure, true, loyal family that everyone deserves to have in their life. Overall, the title did do a great job in describing this story line. The story was so creative that it could be used as a learning experience to never give up on your family. 


  1. I am so glad you found these personal connections, Hoai-Quoc! That is one of the things I really like about the projects: the main way I interact with students is through the projects, so when people choose a project that has an important meaning to them personally, that way I can really get to know each student. That might be an emotional connection (like choosing a project about love, about family, etc.) or it might be a spiritual connection, like with Buddhism. We are starting the reading in this class with Buddhist jataka stories in Week 2. You can let me know if you recognize any of the stories! The Buddhist jatakas and the Indian epics took shape at more or less the same time in ancient India, and there are a lot of connections between them. :-)


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