Reading Notes: The Two Turtle Jatakas


1. Include pictures to create a visual for your story.
2. Add morals/life lessons to the story.
     The Turtle and The King:

  • So one plan after another was spoken of. Then an old man who had always been afraid of the water said, "Throw the thing into the lake where it flows out over the rocks into the river. Then it will surely be killed."
  • The Turtle laughed to himself as he slid away down the river to his old home. "Good!" he said; "those people do not know how safe I am in the water!"
     The Turtle and The Geese:
  • "Oh, we will take you, if only you can keep your mouth shut, and say not a word to anybody," they said.
  • As the two Geese flew on, they heard the people say when they came to see the poor Turtle, "That fellow could not keep his mouth shut. He had to talk, and so lost his life."
3. Think extraordinary imaginations.
4. Maybe use both humans and animals as characters for the story.
5. Make sure the story line flow.

I like this turtle story because it can relate to many things with life lessons. It's main goal was to have the reader's use their imagination while reading the author's main purpose of the story.

Bibliography: Two Turtle Jatakas, by Jataka Anthology.

Turtles, Link Text.


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