Topic Brainstorm

One topic that I am interested in learning about is reincarnation. I wondered what it is like for the Indian traditions to practice reincarnation. Since I am Buddhist, we believe that reincarnation can be a bad thing. If a person that is reincarnated to another life, he or she didn't not reach enlightenment. Source: Reincarnation.

Traveling India:
I feel like this topic would be a fun story to write about. I love to travel and learn new places around the world. I could make a future trip that could grab the reader's attention to book a trip as well. This could get me to become more interested in the arts of India. The Himalayas, which is the home to god Shiva, also sounds like an interesting part to learn for this topic. Source: Himalayas.

Food sounds like a very fun topic to write about. I love to cook and bake. Therefore, this could provide me with new recipes that I could learn to make at home. I actually never had Indian food before so it'll be interesting to research more about it. This could also teach me which organics and herbs they use for their cuisine meals. Source: Indian cuisine.

Dharma sounds like a very interesting topic to learn about. It seems like we use Dharma everyday in our lives to be better as a person or just going through the day. It's been a long time since I read the history of Dharma back in the day. Therefore, it'll be great to catch up. Source: Dharma.

Teachings of Masters, Link Text.


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