Week 3 Story: It's Life

Once upon a time, there was a little boy, named Bill. Bill and his mom were about to walk into their favorite restaurant at BJ's for dinner.

"Mommy, can I get a pizookie?" said Bill.

"Not yet sweetie. You have to order and eat actual food first." said the Mom.

"Ugh, you're so extra. Okay, Mommy." said the little boy.

As they were ordering their meal, a beautiful young waitress approaches.

"Hi, my name is Beyonce and I will be your server for this evening. Would you guys like to start off with a drink?" said the waitress.

While the Mom was ordering her drink, the little boy was glaring into the waitresses eyes.

"Yes please, can I just get a cup of water with lemon?" said the Mom.

"Of course." said the Waitress. "And for you, sir?"

"Oh I would have a margarita." said Bill.

"Honey, you can't have that... I'm sorry, he'll just have a Dr. Pepper." said the Mother.

"Okay, I will get right on that. Are you guys ready to order as well?" said Beyonce.

"Yes!" said the Mom. "I would like a salad and my son would like a flatbread Hawaiian pizza."

"Awesome, you're meal should be here shortly!" said Beyonce.

"Mommy, why did you have to embarrass me like that..."

"Honey, what's gotten into you?"

"I just saw the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world!"

"Sweetheart, she's 20 and you're 8..." said Mom.

"Well, at least I got good taste!" said the little boy. The mother shakes her head...

After the little boy and the mother received their meal, Bill couldn't stop starring at Beyonce as she sets their food and drinks down and walked away.

"Mommy, do you believe love at first sight?"

"Sometimes, but you're too young for her, Bill.

"I can't help it. She's just so beautiful! Her eyes were so hazel that it makes me feel like I'm fallen onto the clouds. Her brunette hair is so long and wavy that I couldn't stand a chance from touching it..."

"Honey, you aren't ready to have a girlfriend yet because you are still young."

"Oh yeah! I'll prove to you that I'm ready." said Bill.

"Okay, how about this. What would you do if you lose a girl?" said the Mom.

"I would regret myself because I forgot to cherish her..." said the little boy.

"Wow, you are ready for a relationship!" said the Mom in a proud, tearful tone.

"Mommy can I go talk to her?"

"Ummm... sure sweetie, but you would have to wait untill she get's back."

"Ugh, okay. Mommy, can I go to the bathroom real quick?"

"Sure sweetie."

As the little boy was walking towards the bathroom, he saw Beyonce passing through hallway to the kitchen.

"Oh, this is my chance!" said Bill.

As Bill followed the waitress into the kitchen, he began to sing for her. All of a sudden, he accidentally knocked a dish full of prepared plates onto the ground from the kitchen counter.

"Uh-oh..." says the boy.

"Honey, omg. Are you okay?" said the waitress?

As the manager walks in... "Who is responsible for this!"

Everyone was looking at the young boy, but the waitress stepped in and said that it was her fault.

"Well, clean up this mess and leave this restaurant and never come back!" said the manager.

"Yes sir..." said Beyonce with a sad voice.

After Bill witness the whole incidence, he ran back towards the table to his Mommy.

"Mommy, I think I got the waiter fired..."

"You did what!?" said the mother.

As Bill explained what had happened, the mother told him to go apologize right away. As Bill saw Beyonce walking towards the front entrance, he stopped her.

"Wait, Beyonce! I am so sorry what had happened. I hope you can still get your job back if I told the manager that it was me." said Bill.

"Well, you can't. I have to go now. I hope you and your mother have a wonderful night. I know I didn't" said Beyonce as she walks out with tears in her eyes.

Bill walked back to the table.

"So how'd it go? said the Mother.

"I don't understand. I went in and tried to apologize to her, but things weren't getting any better..." said Bill.

"Sometimes, it takes more than saying you're sorry." said Mom.

"This stinks..." said the little boy.

"It's Life." said Mom.

Life can be hard at times, but that should never stop you from trying.

The End.

Heart Touching Love, Link Text.

Author's Note:
I chose the Ramayana - Crossing the River story because it provided a moral to it's story. It began with a happy beginning to a sad ending which is different. Therefore, the author gave me a whole new idea to write a story with a happy beginning and a sad ending. The author also gave me an idea to write a story that could give life lessons to the readers.

Bibliography: Ramayana, Crossing River, by Ramayana.


  1. Nice story man. I loved that you moved the story to to a BJ's. Your dialog writing was on point and flowed very well. I was bummed that the ending was so sad. However, we all know that nobody would ever fire Beyonce. You can't fire the queen of the world.

    P.S.- I saw Beyonce in concert this week and 10 out of 10 would recommend. Best. Concert. Ever.

  2. Wow, this was a great story. I think the sad ending is balanced out well by the fact that it takes places at a BJ's though. I think you did a great job of setting up the dynamic between the mother and the son, and it was interesting to see how the boy was mature enough to step up for his mistakes, but it was too late for the waitress as she had already been terminated. Hopefully in the next edition of this story, there is a happy ending though!

  3. Hoai-Quoc,
    That was an amazing story, it really kept wanting to read more throughout it. The plot of your story was spot on in my opinion with the crossing the river story. It was a funny twist having the young boy trying to get the love of the 20-year-old Beyoncé. I really enjoyed this story and look forward to your future stories.

  4. Hi Hoai-Quoc, I thought that your story was great! I love how you were able to completely twist the original story around to where it was completely relatable in regards to modern day language, location, theme, etc. However, I have to admit that I love a happy ending, so that was the only thing that I would have changed personally. Have a great semester, I wish you the best!

  5. Hi Hoai-Quoc,

    Your story was really great and fun to read! Going to Bj’s was also different, I like how you took the story to a common restaurant. Its great that you used the concept of starting the story with something happen and then ending it with something sad. I like stories that give some type of lesson is a great read!


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