Feedback Thoughts

The article, Why It’s So Hard to Hear Negative Feedback , is fascinating. It makes sense that if you did something poorly in your job, you shouldn't shut yourself down. You should show a positive vibe to your boss because it shows who you really are; a person that doesn't give up. If your boss yells at you and tells you that you are worthless and then you show anger as your reaction, it looks even worse on yourself. I realized it is true that if you earned a C for one of your classes, you still earned an A for improvement to yourself. Overall, grades should never define who you are as a person. It is your personality that is important. Sometimes, I wish that our schools could see that we are here to learn new things and that mistakes should be made along the way to become better as a person rather than being punished. Another article that got me interested was, Why rejection hurts so much — and what to do about it . Sometimes, most people in our world take rejection way to...