Week 9 Story: Babysitter Seeks Revenge

Once upon a time, there was a family that lived in a beautiful modern home. There was a father, named, Channing Tatum; a mother named, Cardi B; a daughter named, Jennifer Aniston; and a son, named Chris Brown. One day, the two parents were off to one of their relatives wedding for one night. Therefore, the two kids were stuck with a babysitter.

"Mommy, why can't we go to the wedding with you?" said Chris Brown.

"Because you too young, boo," said Cardi B.

"So are you just gonna leave us here alone at home?" asked Jennifer Aniston.

"Of course not! We are getting a babysitter for you two!" said Channing Tatum.

"Babies?! We're not babies!" said Chris.

"Have you look in the mirror lately?" said the older sister.

"Oh hell nah..." as Chris reaches over to pull his Jennifer's hair.

"Stop, that's enough you too. We're hiring one of your old babysitters, Mrs. Sofia Vergara." said the father.

"Ooohhh... Sofia Vergara," said Jennifer as she winks over at her little brother.

"Ya'll two behave and we should be back by midnight! Don't open the door but for Mrs. Vergara, okay?" said Cardi B as her and her husband walk out of the front door.

"Will do girl!" said the kids.

"Whoa! Mrs. Sofia Vergara let's us get away with anything!" said Jennifer.

"Yeah she does! She's such a push-over," said Chris.

As the doorbell rings, the kids approach to the door and let Mrs. Sofia Vergara into the house.

"Hi Mrs. Sofia! How are you?!" said Jennifer.

"Hola! My-oh-my, ya'll look so grown up!" said the babysitter.

"Aw thanks, Mrs. Sofia. You look great yourself!" said the kids.

"Oh stop it... it was just the face lifts!" said Sofia Vergara.

"Want to get settled in?" asked Jennifer.

"Sure, thank you!" replied the babysitter.

"Here let me take that bag for you," said Chris.

"No! I mean, I can just take this myself," said Sofia as she was holding her red bag tight against her.

As Sofia Vergara got settled in, the kids were in the kitchen chilling. Sofia walks in and sat her red bag on the kitchen counter.

"Hola, chicos! Do you guys want anything for dinner?" asked the babysitter.

"You could make us a hot sundae?" said Chris.

"Oh wouldn't that spoil your dinner?" asked Sofia.

"We went them for dinner, girl," said Chris.

Oh, okay. I will get right on it! said the babysitter.

As Mrs. Sofia Vergara prepared their sundaes, Jennifer leaned over the counter and peaked into the bag. She saw something that she wished she had never peaked in the first place.

"Are you alright, dear?" asked the babysitter.

"Ummm, yeah. Yeah, Chris can I talk to you in the living room for a minute," said Jennifer in a fearful tone.

"Uh, yeah. Sure, idiot," said Chris.

As Jennifer took her little brother into the living room, she told him what he saw.

"Girl, you play too much!" said Chris.

"I'm serious! I just saw our Mom, Cardi B and our Dad, Channing Tatum's head in her red bag! We need to get out of here!"

"Where do you think you kids are going," said the babysitter as she walks into the living room with a Michael Myers mask on her face and a knife in her hand.

As the kids feared for their lives, they ran towards the front door. However, the front door was locked and now there are trapped.

"What do you want from us!" asked Jennifer.

"Oh you know... I'm just tired of being called a push-over babysitter. Now, I just want a little fun. That's all. Just a little revenge." said Sofia Vergara.

"We're sorry! We won't push you around again! Please don't hurt us!" begged the kids.

As the kids were begging for forgiveness, they couldn't do anything else to change their babysitter's mind, but to run. What will happen next you ask? Now it's up to you if you want to save Jennifer Aniston and Chris Brown, or to end it with an evil ending.

To be continued...

Author's Note: I chose the The Five Tall Sons of Pandu story because it was different from the all the other's that I have read from before. What's upsetting was that the story was mostly about killing and taking revenge on others. I converted the original story to a new one for my own by making it a little more modern with current celebrities instead of gods. This time, I wanted to change the ending up a bit. I want the readers to use their imagination on what they think should happen next so that they could feel involved in the story as well. Overall, I chose this horror setting because this month is Halloween.

Bibliography: The Indian Story Book: The Five Tall Sons of Pandu, by Richard Wilson.


  1. WHOA, a cliffhanger?! Shook!
    Having read your project website earlier today, I’m again happy to see the fun character names and contemporary vernacular- it’s good for a laugh! What a great Halloween homage, with the horror aesthetic and the Mike Myers mask there at the end. I’m at the edge of my seat! Do Jen and Chris survive their house of horrors? Will Sofia Vergara triumph? And will the kids ever get that ice cream? I’ll definitely be staying tuned!

  2. Hey Hoai!
    Wow, I was definitely not expecting that twist. I feel like your story went from happy sunshine and rainbows to dark and horror-ish very quickly. Definitely does fit with the Halloween theme. I like happy endings so I’m glad you left the ending kinda up to the reader – I’m going to pretend it was all a dream of the kids, induced by eating hot fudge sundaes.

  3. Hi Hoai-Quoc!

    Dude! You out did yourself this time! Bravo! I never saw the cliffhanger coming. By reading the title I assumed the babysitter would put them in time. Then you go all slasher horror movie. It is an awesome twist. As for what happens next, maybe another plot twist? For example, Cardi B. and Channing Tatum come right back home, because they forgot their wedding gift. Then complement Mrs. Sofia Vergara's Halloween costume. I guess I am voting for a happy ending. Can't wait for your next story!


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