Week 8 Comments and Feedback

I actually love this "Comment and Feedback" system for this online class because it gives a better relation to interact with other students in class. This system is very useful in my opinion because we can help other students to become better than we were before in writing. I would definitely rate a 10/10 for the quality of the comments and readings for both the readers and myself. The comments that I found most useful were the positivities and feedback's about my blogs and stories. It is also good that each classmate can make an introduction about themselves because it helps break students out of their shell to feel more comfortable as a person.

I chose this image because it describes myself of who I am. There my be times that I do feel like I fail, but that doesn't stop me from pushing myself to be even better. Therefore, providing positive feedback's to other students can be beneficial for their well being, (cheezburger).


  1. Hi Haoi-Quoc!

    Since I already commented on our introduction blog I chose this one. It was the cute cat meme that got me! I have to agree with you about the feed back system. It really does help all of us improve our writing. You are right about the introduction page, it helps us some much to get to know each other. Just so you know I read "The Babysitter's Revenge" and left a comment for you. It was a great story!


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