Reading Notes: The Banyan Deer, Part B

  • The deer was gold, eyes were round jewels, horns were white as silver, mouth was red like a flower, and had a large body and a fine tail.
  • He was the king of a herd of five hundred Banyan Deer.
    • Another king called the Monkey Deer lived by another herd of Deer.
  • The king of that county loves to eat deer meat.
  • They built a park so that deers could walk into it.
  • The Banyan Deer sent for the King of the Monkey deer and told him that the deers are being killed and wounded.
  • The Banyan Deer lied beneath the block for the cook to save the mother deer and her baby.
    • Therefore, the King realized the kindness of what the Banyan Deer did and will not hurt any more deers in either parks or forest.
    • The Banyan Deer showed kindness and mercy.
Bibliography: Jataka Tales, by Ellen C. Babbitt.

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