Week 7 Story: A Reverse of Life

Once a upon a time, there was a perfect, beautiful family named, the Smith family. They lived such a happily ever after life. There was a mom, named Beyonce. A dad, named Chris. A son, named Drake; and a daughter, named Ashley. One day the family went out for a family trip at the fair. It was such a lovely day with full of excitements. The sky was blue. The environment was colorful. The aroma in the air from the fair foods were lively. The music was soothing. Overall, it was a happy place for friends and family to bond and to socialize. Unfortunately, something drastic happened that turned the Smith family's life 180 degrees around.

There was a man named the Grinch that had magical powers that can take souls away from mortals so that he could become stronger, younger, and healthier. The Grinch was cursed when he was a baby because he accidentally ripped a piece of hair from his mother's head. His mother, Cameron Diaz, loves her hair more than her own baby. When the Grinch pulled his mother's hair when he was a baby, Cameron saw her hair follicle falling on the ground. She was so mad and angry that she cursed her own baby, the Grinch, to age faster than others. The only way that the Grinch could live longer was to take souls away from mortals.

The Grinch came into the fair and saw so many fresh mortals out in the open. Therefore, he saw an opportunity that he couldn't resist. People were running and screaming. As Beyonce and her family saw the incident, they were shocked, and they didn't know what else to do or know where else to go except to protect their children. The Grinch approaches to the Smith family and Chris stood in front of his family. The Grinch then waved his arm and swung Chris into the air. Beyonce screamed as she holds cover for her children. As Chris got up when he fell from the ground it was too late for him to save his family. The Grinch took Beyonce and his kids souls and ran away to find for more.

A father that lost his family, Link Text.

Author's Note: I chose the Narayana's Mahabharata story because it was different from the all the other's that I have read from before. What's upsetting was that the story was mostly about killing and taking revenge on others. I converted the original story to a new one for my own by making it a little more modern with current celebrities instead of gods. However, I used the same setting as the author did by making my story sad at the end as well.

Bibliography: Narayan's Mahabharata.


  1. Hi Hoai,

    I am so glad that I was able to read through your story. You always do a great job. It is hilarious that the mom is named Beyonce. I almost laughed out loud, and this definitely grabbed my attention. Also, great that you bad character was named the Grinch. This is a very clever naming system that you developed. Great job!


  2. Hi Hoai-Quoc!

    I just read your story. I liked the fact that you decided to give the story a sad ending. Most people try to avoid those, so I like the change of pace. So, I am curious. What does the Grinch look like? Does he take after Cameron Diaz? How long does he stay young looking? Does he have to take souls frequently? Overall, it is such a unique story. I look forward to reading more of your stories.

  3. Hey Hoai,

    First off, I have to comment on that picture choice! It's such a great picture and addition to this story. This story was hilarious. I like how you brought in famous names such as Beyonce and Cameron Diaz into your story. The Grinch is by far a spooky character and seeing how he takes souls is frightening.

  4. Hey Hoai, great story! It would be interesting to see what it looked like when the Grinch stole the souls of others. Could you see him sucking the souls from his victims? Did they fall to the ground dead after? Could you see him age backwards as soon as he stole the souls? I think that you can add these details into the scene where he walks into the fair and preys on his first victim there if you wanted to!

  5. Hey Hoai!
    I like how you’re keeping with the dark theme in your story as well as naming characters in your story after celebs. So far, both of the stories I’ve read have done a great job at progressing from innocuous and sweet to dark and horror-like. I wonder if the theme will continue in your other stories – I guess I’ll have to wait and see.


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