Reading Notes: Jataka Tales, Part C

  • Rabbit sleeps under a palm-tree.
  • A monkey dropped a coconut and it fell on the rabbit's back.
  • Rabbit thought the earth was breaking up.
  • Therefore, the rabbit ran as fast as he could without even looking back at him.
  • Another rabbit saw him running and ran with him too.
  • The first rabbit told the other rabbit that the earth is breaking up.
  • Another rabbit ran with them too after they heard what happened.
  • In the end, there were more than a hundred rabbits running with them.
  • A deer ran with them as well.
  • The Fox came along.
  • The elephant joined as well
  • The Lion came up to the hills and roared three times.
    • This stopped them from running cause these animals were afraid of him.
  • The Lion asked them why they were running so fast.
  • They told him why.
  • One by one, the lion asked who saw the earth breaking up and it leads to the rabbit.
  • The rabbit told the lion that he did see the earth breaking up.
  • Then the lion suggested to go back to where the rabbit was and to see if the earth actually breaks up.
    • Other animals waited until the lion and rabbit returns.
  • The rabbit showed the lion where he slept.
  • The Lion saw the coconuts falling from the tree and told the rabbit how foolish he was.
  • Then the rabbit ran back to where the animals were and told them what happened.
  • Overall, if it wasn't for the lion, the animals would still be running.
Bibliography: The Foolish, Timid Rabbit, by Ellen C. Babbitt.

Lion carrying the Rabbit and off they go, Link Text.


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