Reading Notes: The Ox Who Envied The Pig, Part B

Notes: Ox named Big Red. Big Red had a brother named, Little Red. Both brothers did carting on a large farm. Farmer had only one daughter that is soon to be married. Her mother order for the pig to be fat before being eat for a feast. Little Red was confused of how the Ox's both have been given straw and grass to eat while the the pig gets many options and works harder than the pig. The pig is considered lazy. The Big Red told his little brother that the pig is eating a lot so that he will be eaten from people. The pig was being eaten for a wedding feast. Big Red told his brother to eat his straw and grass and to be content and live long. Not long after, the pig was killed and had been cooked for the wedding. The little pig realized that they should eat plain food for years. The pig was feed well as he lasted, but didn't last too long. Bibliography: The Ox Who Envied The Pig , by Ellen C. Babbitt. The fattened Pig was killed & cooked for the ...