Reading Notes: Jataka Tales, Part B

Notes: A king has three sons: Prince of the Stars. Moon Prince. Sun Prince. The queen went away because she was afraid of the king's decision. Therefore, the king told his son's to live in the forest before his death. Then after his death, come back and the palace would be theirs. However, the sun prince asked where they were going. After the sun prince heard what happened, the sun prince wanted to come with them as well. The three brothers then stumbled upon the the King of Fairies. A watersprite asked the sun prince a question. The two other brothers were getting worried and the Moon Prince went to the pond where the sun prince was. As the Moon Prince reaches to the pond, the watersprite asked him another question as well. The watersprite said he didn't know the answer as well so he dragged him to the cave where the Sun Prince was. The older brother, the Prince of the Stars then went to find his two brothers. Then the prince of stars stumbled upon the...